posted 07-03-2007 07:29 PM
Here is a list of his publications. Don
Author: Dufek, Miroslav, Title: A contribution on the problem of polygraph examination., PublicationName: Czechoslovak Criminalistics, Year: 1969, Page: -, Comments2: [English translation],
Author: Dufek, Miroslav//Widacki, Jan//Valkova, Vera, Title: Eksperymentalne badania przydatnosci poligrafu do przeszukania pomieszcen [Experimental studies of the use of the polygraph, the house search], PublicationName: Archiwum Medycyny Sadowej i Krjminologii, Year: 1975, Volume: 25, Page: 163-166,
Author: Dufek, Miroslav, Title: Emoce a Polygraf [Emotion and the polygraph], PublicationName: Prokuratura, Year: 1970, Volume: 3, Page: 103-106, Comments2: [text in Czech; English translation available],
Author: Kronbergerova, Jana//Dufek, Miroslav, Title: Experimental experiences with the use of polygraph., PublicationName: Socialist Legality, Year: 1969, Comments2: [text in Czech; English translation available],
Author: Kronbergerova, Jana//Dufek, Miroslav, Title: Experimentální zkusenosti s pouzíváním polygrafu, PublicationName: Socialisticka Zakonnost, Year: 1969, Page: 376-378, Comments2: [text in Czech],
Author: Kronbergerova, Jana//Dufek, Miroslav, Title: Moznosti Polygrafickeho Vystrovani [The Potential of Polygraph Testing], PublicationName: Socialisticka Zakonnost, Year: 1969, Volume: 6, Page: 375-378, Comments2: [text in Czech],
Author: Dufek, Miroslav, Title: Nektere problemy soudni psychiatrie [Some problems of forensic psychiatry], Location: Prague, Publisher: Charles University, Year: 1974, Page: -, Comments2: translation only,
Author: Dufek, Miroslav, Title: Prispevek k Problematice Polygrafickeho Vysetrovani [A Contribution on the Problem of Polygraph Examination], PublicationName: Ceskoslovenska Kriminalistika, Year: 1969, Volume: 2, Page: 139-143, Comments2: [text in Czech; English translation available record 1480],